Online on-Demand Course
Smile for the Camera! 
Capturing Your Best Headshot or Profile Picture

The Emotional Body® is now offering online on-demand special topic short courses that synthesize the Emotional Body methods with other modalities and techniques to teach various topics. We hope you find these courses of interest and the ability to take them on your own time to be an asset. Each course registration comes with unlimited access to the course materials. So once purchased, you can visit the lesson recordings repeatedly for your continued learning.

Capturing Your Best Headshot or Profile Picture

This course would benefit anyone who desires to have a good quality and authentic photograph of themselves. Do you need to prepare for an upcoming event where you will have photos taken, or want to have quality pictures of yourself for gifts or professional needs? Most people in the professional world need a quality photo of themselves that represents "the best of them" yet they often put very little thought and preparation into the creation of the photo, and then it is the FIRST IMPRESSION people see before they meet the invidual (realtors, coaches, agents, salespeople, entrepreneurs, actors, performers, etc.)

Whether you are considering preparing for your upcoming wedding, acting headshot session, need to create photos for marketing yourself and your business, or just want some great gifts for loved ones, this course will help you be more successful in achieving effective and authentic personal results.

Laura Bond has created an unique tutorial that applies her years of experience as a instructor of the Emotional Body method combined with her knowledge from decades of teaching public speaking and presentations and the performing arts. Visit the course page to learn more, which includes a short video by Laura Bond explaining her truly unique approach created for this special tutorial and why you will want to learn it.

Register through this course page address:

Instructor: Laura Bond

Course Price: $75 for unlimited access to this on-demand online recorded course

Course Description: 
Do you need a photo of yourself for a professional headshot, business marketing profile picture, or simply a great social media profile picture? If so, your photo is the first impression others have of you. Well before anyone reads your bio, resume, witty post, even before they meet you and learn about your personality, skills, experience, and expertise, it is your photo they see that makes an immediate impression to them of you.  This first impression then makes them decide if they will proceed with reading about you or meeting you.

Unfortunately, far too many people don’t plan well for the photo part of their personal marketing. They often either just take a quick candid photo thinking “That will do” or hire professionals to take care of their photography, hair and make-up and do far too little of their own personal planning for the photo shoot. In these cases, the photos might come across as stiff or not communicate what was intended.

If you want your photos to result in high quality accurate impressions of you, and preferably in one of your best moments, the answer is in learning methods and strategies for how to accomplish this successfully.

This short course, taking only two and half hours of instruction time, will provide you with:

  • Physical methods to help you become more at ease and comfortable in front of the camera
  • Lessons for expression and posing development, so you don’t come across stiff or fake
  • A clear process for creating a personal communicating plan, to ensure successful results
  • Samples from photo shoots and explanations of why some are successful, and others not
  • Advice on what to wear and why for best results in headshots and profile photos
  • A step-by-step process for planning your photo shoot from advice on scheduling to what to ask for from the photographer and to advice on locations

This unique course provides methods and approaches not found in other classes devoted to this subject like:

  • Evidence-based somatic methods and lessons for emotional expression development and detailed relaxation lessons for softening muscles throughout the body
  • Creating and embodying a communication plan for your photos so you are not simply “smiling for the camera”
  • A unique approach to creating micro expressions for multiple shots in a photoshoot so you have plenty of dynamic material to choose from within your final proofs

Testimonials from Students

"I never seem to capture a good photo these days. Typically, I blamed this on my hair not looking perfect or my makeup being off. This course helped immensely break down ways I can intrinsically prepare for my headshot, not just by thinking of my appearance. The way that I can prepare on my own by practicing the gradual grin and my posture in addition to carefully planning ahead of time. Everything was extremely organized and helpful. I enjoyed the portion where Laura Bond takes us through sample photos, pointing out positive aspects and why she took out certain photos as contenders. I can't wait to schedule with a photographer that will successfully capture me on my best day!" ~ Katherine P., Health Social Worker

"I was a true beginner when I started the course and now I feel very confident that I could do a photoshoot and be quite happy with the results.” ~ Ida Bostian, Costume Designer

“Laura is a great instructor. She covered all the points with an amazing amount of detail so she was very easy to follow. Even though it's a video course, you can feel Laura's presence as though she is right there with you, speaking directly to you. I guess that's part of her walking her talk, and demonstrating how to be totally present and engaging on camera. I would highly recommend this training for anyone wanting to know how to shine on camera. Thank you Laura.” ~ Wanda Marie, Coach